A psychic medium blends natural ability with training to connect to loved ones in spirit on the other side as a communication intermediary.
We do this through clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), and claircognizance (clear knowing).
My goal is to bring confirmation that your loved one is well on the other side of the veil through bits of evidence, shared memories, insight, and small talk.
I received my core training and certification through New Jersey's Inner Spiritual Center spiritualist church and continuously refine my skills in Canadian-based teaching medium Andy Byng's mentorship program and programs offered by the Lily Dale Spiritualist Camp and Arthur Findlay College in the UK.
As a child my parents taught me to be aware of the spirits around us. My father told me about his mother who was a medium, while my mother loved to talk about the spirits who kept her company as she played in the attic of her childhood home.
Sometimes a spirit talks to me in pictures, which I describe hoping that the images mean something to you. Other times they'll project a memory, talk about the work they did in life, things they liked to do, and their accomplishments. Often they
explain, apologize, articulate regrets, and share an opinion or two.
People who were outgoing in life make some of the best communicators, while those who were introverted or didn't accept mediumship can be a challenge.
I bring forth whatever I sense, see, and hear to show that your loved one is very much alive on the other side and am honored to host a brief reunion.
My readings are $40 for 15 minutes or $75 for 30 minutes. Please use one of the links below or log into Paypal and direct payment to Gail@MediumGail.com.
30-Minute Reading
Please be sure to read my FAQ Frequently Asked Questions on the next page and feel free to contact me for any reason.
15-Minute Reading
We can schedule your reading to take place in person in New Jersey or New York City or online through Zoom. I thank you, and sincerely look forward to being of service to you and your loved ones in spirit.